By-polls to test resolve of people: Farooq

NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah addressing party workers at Nawai Subh complex in Srinagar on Saturday. —Excelsior/Shakeel
NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah addressing party workers at Nawai Subh complex in Srinagar on Saturday. —Excelsior/Shakeel

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Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Mar 18: National Conference president and candidate for Srinagar Parliamentary constituency Dr Farooq Abdullah today said that by-polls are important battles that would both define and measure the strength of our people in resisting the “tyrannical onslaught of the BJP and the RSS” in the State.
Addressing workers from Beerwah Assembly segment at Nawai Subh headquarters of the party in Srinagar, Abdullah said that by-polls are important battles that will test the resolve of the people of the Valley. “This is an important battle and will test our resolve and our integrity. It is vital to defeat RSS and its local affiliates, who have always harboured an ambition to subvert the State’s political rights and special status”, he said.
”Make no mistake about the fact that PDP is BJP and BJP is PDP. Their candidates for these by-polls are in fact the proxy candidates of the BJP and the RSS and come with their blessings and support from the highest levels. Their loyalty lies with those forces that want to use policies of division and divisiveness to further their agenda in the State. PDP has no qualms in being a part of this plan as long as it translates into the personal political empowerment of those who lead the party”, Abdullah said.
NC working president Omar Abdullah said PDP had brought nothing to the Valley than bloodshed, strife and oppression. “When PDP was in the opposition, they were known for their eloquent moral sermons and sentimental slogans – all of which was effortlessly abandoned once they attained political power”, he said.
“Today we get to see a new neo-liberal, ‘realistic’ and ‘blunt’ Mehbooba Mufti who blames our young children for their own deaths and has no hesitation in mocking and ridiculing their families rather than consoling them and apologizing to them”, he said.
Omar alleged that Mehbooba has surrendered her demands to BJP’s continued patronage. “Today Mehbooba Ji doesn’t talk of AFSPA revocation, ‘Self-Rule’, demilitarization, Indo-Pak dialogue, talks with Hurriyat and opening of additional routes along the Line of Control. There is no talk of AFSPA revocation and it is evident that PDP has surrendered this demand in exchange of BJP’s continued patronage. Similarly, the party’s ‘self-rule document’ has disappeared summarily. Rather than any advancement on talks between India and Pakistan, the animosity between the two neighbours is unprecedented today. The same PDP that promised about facilitating talks between Hurriyat and New Delhi has now openly supported and advocated an all-out attack on Hurriyat leaders through all available means”, he said.
The NC leaders said PDP’s performance on the governance and development front was equally disappointing as the State was witnessing one of the worst periods of governance and development deficit in recent times.
“This Government has failed to provide even basic facilities to the people and development has come to a standstill. Even those developmental projects and schemes initiated by the previous Government stand abandoned without any reason. One wonders if bad-governance is a hidden chapter in the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ between the two parties. The Parliament by-polls presents an important, vital opportunity to confront this alliance and stand in resolute opposition to its ulterior motives”, Omar said.