Polls will be held in secure environment: DGP

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 8: Director General of Police Dilbag Singh today assured that upcoming Panchayat and DDC polls will be held in a secure environment.
“Upcoming Panchayat, BDC and DDC elections will be conducted in a secure environment with the support of the general people,” the J&K Police chief said while talking to reporters on the sidelines of an event in Kathua district.
He said that J&K Police have met every challenge in the past and hoped that along with other security forces we will hold the elections successfully.
The present security situation in the whole of Jammu and Kashmir is much secure and every attempt shall be made to make it more secure, he added. The DGP said that continuous firing on the LoC and IB from the Pakistan side shows the evil intention of that country to create disturbance in Jammu and Kashmir.
However, our forces on the border are giving befitting reply to the provocations of Pakistan,” Dilbag said.
The DGP said that tunnels are being detected in the border areas for some time now and Pakistan is making every possible attempt to push terrorists of JeM and LeT using these tunnels in our side but our forces are capable enough to thwart all ill designs of Pakistan.
The DGP said that Jammu and Kashmir Police and other forces have maintained a sympathetic attitude towards our local youth who under pulls and pressures of Pak-sponsored terrorism joined terrorist ranks but later chose to leave the path of violence and destruction.
About half a dozen terrorists surrendered during live encounters in the past over a month reposing trust in the J&K Police and other security forces, he said adding, “about two dozen youth have already shunned the path of violence and are making good living with their parents and family.”
During live encounters surrendering of terrorists’ shows the trust which J&K Police along with other forces has built, he said and appealed to the youth to stay away from social crimes, violence, drugs etc and advised them to make use of their energy in positive direction.