Polluting Jammu canals

Water is a precious commodity being one of the four most important elements for human existence. India is a country, which draws benefit from the Himalayas.  Vast Indian plains stretch over its foothills and the mighty rivers flow down from its glaciers that are the lifeline of the people of the Indian sub-continent. We in the State of Jammu and Kashmir are among most fortunate people in the country to be in possession of perennial waters of five rivers flowing through our territory and supplying us with water for drinking and irrigation purposes.
In the Jammu region, we have the Chenab and Ravi rivers flowing through the territory of our state. Besides we have smaller rivers as well of which Tawi is the largest skirting the hillock on which Jammu city is perched? Two major canals of Jammu, the first Ranbir Canal is drawing water from the Chenab and second Tawi Canal draws water from Tawi River. Both of these canals are vital for irrigation purposes because large agricultural activity in Jammu depends on the water resource of these two canals. In fact, these are the lifeline of Jammu agricultural activities and thousands of families depend on the water from thee canals to irrigate their farms.
It is sad to say that despite a clear understanding that the law of the land prohibits polluting the water body, there is large-scale pollution of both of these canals a little by the nature but mostly by human beings. About nature, a number of nullahs flow into the Tawi in natural course. However, as the citizens divert all the sewage and garbage into these nullahs which ultimately carry it to the Tawi. This is how the waters of Tawi are polluted. This pollution is ultimately transferred to the farms for which the polluted water is used for irrigation purpose. Imagine the damage it does to the crops and animals that drink the water and some people use it for washing and bathing purposes.
However, we do not speak about the irresponsible behaviour of the people only who have no qualms of conscience in polluting the waters. We are equally surprised that the Government authorities like Urban Environment Engineering Department (UEED) are complacent about it and fail to perform their duty of checking pollution and bringing the defaulters to a court of law to punish them for their non-civic activities. We have to remember that we have Jammu and Kashmir Water Resources (Regulation and Management) Act for initiating punitive action in order to check pollution of these water bodies. However, authorities have never taken recourse to the provisions of the Act and initiated action against those who pollute the water and endanger the crops and cattle. About half a dozen major nullahs carrying garbage and sewage from the residential areas have been allowed to enter directly Ranbir Canal in Muthi area. Similarly, nine major drains carrying garbage and sewage from the houses in vast area of Trikuta Nagar Extension and adjoining localities are allowed to enter Tawi Canal, which flows from outside the Railway Station Jammu. When Engineering authorities are contacted, they admit that there is pollution but on the question of diverting the nullahs and drains away from the canals is concerned all that they say is that they have the draft plan but it cannot be executed owing to paucity of funds. We are surprised to know this pretext. What has funding got to do with enforcing the clauses of the Act according to which polluting the water bodies is a cognizable crime. Why do not authorities initiate action against the defaulters? The authorities should allocate funds and initiate steps so that the work of diversion of nullahs and drains goes on as a regular feature. The people have right to pure and un- polluted water. Their right is further fortified by the Act to which reference has been made.