Poonch power scam

First-stage enquiry into Poonch power scam has been so shocking as to make the Chief Minister take quick action against 13 Engineers of the PDD of whom six have retired while the remaining seven including a Chief Engineer have been placed under suspension. Of the six retired engineers one has expired and one is absconding.

When on 18 January, Poonch region was lashed by snowstorm and heavy rains, many transmission towers and electric poles collapsed and were uprooted, with the result that power supply from 133 KV transmission line was snapped for the entire belt. The magnitude of damage was such that it would not be restored without major operation. In the columns of this paper, we strongly demanded enquiry into the causes of disruption of power supply in the border district of Poonch on such a massive scale. The Chief Minister, with whom the charge of power rests, took a serious note of the matter and ordered an enquiry by a committee headed by the Principal Secretary Power, A.K. Mehta and assisted by experts drawn from the higher echelons of the Department. The report submitted by Mehta Enquiry Committee is shocking in more than one way. It has unraveled the possibility of a big scam in using sub-standard transmission towers, transmission line and poles. The Enquiry Committee has made field study and come to surprising conclusion. It appears that there has been a wide network of corrupt engineers, at least 13 of them, who had formed the nexus to cheat the Government by showing that only standard material, was used whereas actually they had used sub-standard material which could not stand even the normal snow, rain and wind to which the region is used. It has come to light that out of three specifications of towers, A1, A2 and A3, costing approximately 18, 25 and 30 lakh rupees each respectively, actually A1 towers were installed while on the papers A3 were shown to have been installed. Thus in one tower installed, scam computed up to rupees 12 lakh. Further, the towers were not purchased from any one of the three approved contractors but the engineers managed the purchases from unregistered source. In the case of electric poles, it has been found that sub-standard material was used which could not withstand even four inches of snowfall and were uprooted or folded and rendered unserviceable. This was despite 300 to 400 bags of cement shown to have been used to ground the tower.

Notably the MLA from Poonch had raised the issue of sub-standard material in the assembly way back in 2010, but a field survey team appointed by the Government had not given credence to the complaint of the MLA.

This scam also reveals to what depths of degradation and anti-national levels our Government functionaries have fallen. They were bereft of the qualms of conscience that they were defrauding the poor and backward village folks of a very backward district of Poonch. Official circles, having unearthed the shocking scam are now apprehensive of similar situation in regard to electric installations in other parts of the region especially the Rajouri district. That is why the report of Mehta Committee has recommended examination and investigation into the electric installations in that arras also before damage is done by another snowfall next time.

The Chief Minister has ordered that the entire case be handed over to the Chief Vigilance Organization for full enquiry. That is the right and legal thing to do. He has taken a bold and very laudable step in bringing the defaulters to book. We have been repeatedly stating in these columns that corruption has seeped into the veins of the PDD and there was the dire need of taking drastic action against the alleged persons. An exemplary punishment, after the crime is established, will go a long way in changing the mindset that has bedeviled this department since a long time.

The corresponding action of snipping the power connection of about 500 consumers, both individuals and organizations including some Government departments as well, is most welcome. People are highly satisfied that the Government does not succumb to fear or favour while trying to improve power supply in the State. In fact the defaulters were given proper notice and time limit to clear the arrears of electric bills. They failed to respond and the Government has finally taken the drastic step of stopping power supply to them. This decision will generate trust of ordinary consumers that the Government is unsparing for the big and the influential. As the ball is now in the court of Chief Vigilance Organization, we expect this organization to conduct impartial and unbiased enquiry within shortest possible time and establish the case of corruption against the alleged people if at all there is a case. Any attempt of delaying enquiry and in submitting the report will make the exercise of Mehta Committee futile. That should not happen.