Poonch towards peace and prosperity

K. D. Maini
Poonch, a nature blessed track of Pir Panchal region has its own historical identity, cultural backgrounds apart from a glorious and glamorous past. It remain independent principality for centuries together. As per Raj Trangni of Kalhan, Poonch Principality was established by a horse trader ‘Nara’ in 850 AD. It remained under the rule of local Hindu Rajas up to 1452 AD, Rajput Muslims ruled this area from 1586 to 1798, Gujjars from 1798 to 1819 , Sikh from 1819 to 1846 and Dogra Rajas from 1852 to 1947 AD.
Unfortunately, due to the happenings of the 1947, 102 km long LoC was established in the heart of erstwhile Poonch principality and only 40 % of the total area fell on this side of the border. The wars of 1965, 1971 and proxy war from 1989 created a sense of destabilization among the people here. It was only after 2003 with the start of CBMs on the LoC the peace got restored, normalcy prevailed and the wounds of the people started healing.
With the opening of 46 km Poonch – Rawalakote road across the LoC for trade venture and meeting of divided families, the natives got lot of social and economic benefits. The opening of 169 km Mughal road from 2011 onward have directly linked this isolated part with Srinagar. The flow of fruits and Kashmiri items through Mughal Road have opened the doors of economic avenues for the people of Poonch district. On development side , the start of various central sponsored schemes, implementation of District plan as per the need of the habitants, opening of employment avenues for skilled and unskilled labour class in the gulf countries, efforts of the people representatives for systematic development and creation of congenial and cordial atmosphere have brought the district on the path of the development. During 2011-12 the developmental scenario got a further boost under the leadership of District Development Commissioner Poonch. This has happened only with the cooperation of peace living people of this area and sincere efforts of administration
During the year 2011-12 9409.00 lacs was allocated under district plan for implementation of plan schemes. 9386.00 lacs were spent up to the end of the year. Similarly 599.60 lacs were incurred under BADP to fill up the developmental gaps in border belt. 1443.00 lacs was spent under BRGF for creation of infrastructural facilities and 139.69 lacs were utilized under tribal sub plan for overall development of Gujjar and Bakerwaltribes .This shows the liberal funding from state as well as central government in favour of District Poonch so that the economic backwardness could be eradicated.
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood because more than 73 % population depends upon agriculture and allied activities. 0.46 lac hectare gross area has been brought under high yielding verity programme and 17 % production of wheat and maize have been increased during 2011-12 as compared to previous year. The District Poonch has a lot of potential for fruit orchards like apple, walnut, apricot and peach. During the year 2011-12 1.10 lac fruit plants have been distributed among the farmers under normal schemes. Presently six government nurseries and twelve private nurseries are producing fruit plants in the district.
Road communication system forms the basic infrastructure for the economic development of any area. Presently 837 km roads in the districts are maintained by R&B BRO Department. 132 out of 175 villages of the districts have been connected with motor able roads. On the other hand 68 habitations located on the slopes have been connected with the village roads under PMGSY by incurring 171.00 crores which have provided great relief to the natives of remote and border areas.
The primary objective of rural Development Department is to provide assured employment of 100 days to every desirous family. As per the survey of the DRDA there are about 65000 families in the district, out of which job cards have been issued infavour of 56945 families up to ending March 2012. 27.65 lacs mandays were generated and 9827 works completed by incurring 48.98 lacs under MGNREGA during 2011-12.
Power is a key factor for the development of any area. Unfortunately no power project is located in the district. 37, Mega Watt Pernai Hydal Project which was started in 1988 and stopped during militancy period is being revived so that apart from power generation, 22000 kanal land in Mendhar valley could be irrigated. Presently power is being imported from outside. Out of 178 villages 165 villages have been shown electrified by the department as per the norm of rural electrification but still there are 937 mohras and 221 Gujjarbasties with 37 % population whose houses are yet to be electrified. However, during 2011-12, 211 additional habitations have been under RGGVY programme.
Provision of safe drinking water as per required scale is another important sector. The funds under normal plan NRDWP, TSP & BADP are provided to cater the need of potable drinking water of the people. More than 83 % population has been covered under this scheme. Presently 121 water supply schemes are functioning in the district. During 2011-12 Rs. 1117.95 lacs have been incurred by the department Under NRDWP to augment the existing schemes.
Education plays vital role in the social and economic upliftment of the society. During the year 2011-12 there were three degree colleges, 24 Higher Secondary Schools, 46 High Schools, 204 Middle Schools 508 primary schools and 145 private schools functioning in the district. Apart from this 231 education centers were also opened by the department in Dhoks and Mergs. The enrollment during the year was 1.18 lacs. Free text books were provided to 11450 students. Mid-day meal was served to 73768 students. The scholarship was provided to 28300 G&B students and 45586 Pahari speaking students. The Dropout rate was reduced 21% as compared to the previous year.
To provide health coverage in rural areas is another challenge for the admiration. It is fact that are 172 health institutions in the district but still there is a need of strengthening and equipping of these institutions.Under NRHM mission 646.71 lacs have been incurred for engagement of 374 ASHAS, RCH Camps and prevision of MBBS Doctors and medicines to institutions located in the Rural Areas. We can easily say that 2011-12 has proved as an era of development, friendship and peace for the people of Poonch District.The Administration has not only concentrated towards the developmental scenario but also ensured the congenial and peaceful atmosphere with the cooperation of peace living people. In this mannerPoonch is on a journey of peace and progress which is leading towards a prosperous future.