Portal for sexual harassment

This refers to the editorial’Portal for sexual harassment'(DE, Nov11, 2017). It is heartening to read that the Union Ministry for Women and Child Development(WCD) has launched a portal, for the online complaint management system-‘Shebox'(sexual harassment electronic box) and it would be hosted on the WCD’s website.The fact that under fresh orders, besides Government women employees,women employees of private or semi Government organisations too can upload their complaints and monitor the follow up process without going to the police stations to register their complaints, shows that the Government is serious in its efforts to tackle this menace.
Sexual harassment is the violation of the right of a woman to her freedom and dignity.With the change in socio economic conditions coupled with the creation of more employment avenues, more and more women are taking government jobs.But many a time they have to face sexual harassment at the workplaces by their bosses and colleagues, which affects their self confidence, efficiency and dignity. This decision of the Government will certainly help in checking such incidents and more and more victims would come forward to register complaints against the offenders. People  also need to change their mindset and the perception that men have got the right to abuse and harass women and that women are born to endure abuse from their fathers, brothers, husbands or bosses, needs to be changed by the  society , especially the youth.The working women ought to be encouraged to know their rights and fight for them and report any case of sexual harassment against them.Parents, on their part, ought to aware their children as what constitutes ‘good touch’ and ‘bad touch’ so that children can avoid being sexually assaulted even by their friends or relatives.Internal Complaints Committees ought to be set up in offices having women employees and strenghened to check such incidents.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony, Udhampur.