Positive impact of growth measures to be seen in long term: FM

NEW DELHI: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today assured that the positive impact of the economic measures being taken by the Government would be seen in medium to long term.

The Minister, in a debate ‘short-term discussion on the state of economy’ in the Rajya Sabha, said the coming generations will remember this Government for creating a ‘new economic history’ of the country.

Members of Opposition parties, especially those from the Congress, attacked the Government, saying unemployment is growing and all key economic parameters have witnessed a decline in the last three-and-a-half years.

Countering the charges, the senior Minister mentioned containing of inflation, recapitalisation of public sector banks and GST rollout as major policy initiatives of the Narendra Modi-led Government.

“All the steps we have taken, we have also paid price in the short term. But I want to tell you that in the medium and long term, these steps would be seen on the economy of the country and coming generations will remember that due to these steps a new economic history of the country has been written,” Jaitley said. (AGENCIES)