Fill vacant posts in GMC

A classical example of how procrastination rules supreme in state administration and that too when the question is about health and hospitals, can be gauged by the Government sanctioning and “creating” 2093 Non Gazetted posts in 2010 remaining unfilled till date. The idea behind creating these posts was praiseworthy though dictated and demanded by the prevailing situation of shortage of staff in Government Medical College and Hospital Jammu , that of ensuring smooth functioning of every unit and department.
A mismatch between the dire requirements and the response of the dawdling administrative department has resulted in utter confusion about what to do and from where to start mending things. It should be borne in mind by administrative departments , the bureaucracy and the higher authorities that it was prudent to cut on red tape and lengthy procedural formalities as many of them are not only time consuming and stuffing files only but percolating no or delayed results on the ground . The mindset of this nature is to be changed as delays and deferments mar progress and result in low productivity. Why should the authorities not frame even recruitment rules so far? Why only after seven long years , the Principal GMC Jammu was asked to furnish draft rules for the “created” posts under reference? Was the long wait of seven years taken for dawning of some auspicious moment to start crawling for the race when it should have been a marathon run instead.
Why should , again , recruitment rules not be framed for critical and important departments and branches of medical sciences like Neurology, Sterilization, Dialysis, Audiometry, Dermatology, Sanitation etc besides for Museum unit, Mechanical unit, computer section etc and rules be belatedly framed in respect of other 10 departments only. It needs hardly any emphasis to bring home the point that one department or unit was connected or related to the other in one or the other way in Hospitals and there was no scope to choose preferences or pick and choose approach under ordinary course of business.
How can the lone EEG technician supervisor be expected to work and give optimum results in place of three sanctioned posts from among the created posts of 2093 , one each for SMGS Hospital, Super Speciality Hospital and Psychiatric Hospital ? On the other hand, even the EEG labs of GMC and Psychiatrist Hospitals are lying closed for a long time as some fault in the machines is not fixed as yet. The lone EEG Technician Supervisor granted any leave even for unavoidable reasons results in the patients suffering badly. Those in charge of this created mess cannot be expected to remain in inertia mode.
While dealing with other associated issues concerning Hospitals and the problems faced due to various reasons by the patients, one of the main reasons about which we have been voicing concern is the shortage of staff even when no problem was about the availability of talent and eligibility. Health and Medical Education Department owes it to the public to account for its criminal delaying tactics in not coming up to the desired levels of expectations in not filling these posts , the patient care is suffering, existing staff is over burdened and the general public is unhappy. It is high time the administration woke up from its slumber and paid urgent attention to the problems as enunciated herein.