Power crisis

This has reference to the news item ‘Tarigami’ asks Govt to tide over power crisis DE Apr 11.
Come summer and it is power shortage in the State. Kashmir valley is presently facing power crisis, and the situation in Jammu is no good.
During hot days, there is great demand for electricity. Last year, power protests rocked whole of the State. The power shortage is a result of the widening ratio between power generated and power consumed. This is followed by huge transmission and distribution losses.
What further compounds the problem is power pilferage. Despite e-meters, there is no end to this scourge. The honest consumers pay through their nose while power thieves enjoy power without paying any penny as electricity charges.
Unless, the Government comes heavily upon those who indulge in power thefts, there will  be no respite from power crisis.
There should be no discrimination on account of power and position.
Yours etc….
Vir Singh