Power cuts plague Jammuites

This has reference to the article ‘Power cuts paralyse life’ DE Nov 28.
Come winter, and it is the season of power cuts in the State. Earlier, also during summer season the Jammu region was hit by power custs-both scheduled and unscheduled. The whole of Summer was passed in a miserable way. There was, however, a brief spell starting  from October when people enjoyed round the clock electricity.Now the dark nights are back. The more disgusting aspect of this power story is that the Government does not seem in carrying out power reforms. Sometime back the PDD embarked on checking power pilferage by people. Those who indulged in this illegal activity were penalised and the genuine customers enjoyed 24 hr power supply.
But, now the situation has returned back to square one. Now  no electricity schedule is observed by the Department. It works on whims and fancies of the Department.
The Government should ensure that those who pay power tarrifs should enjoy  24 hr supply as was promised them.
Yours etc….
Surinder Singh Mankotia
Ram Nagar, Jammu