Power fluctuations

‘Jammu city has been reeling under sizzling temperature since June 2014. People have been virtually roasted by the soaring mercury and the power fluctuations have added to their woes. Their resentment against the PDD authorities is genuine as the low voltage accompanied with fluctuations has damaged all their electronic gadgets especially fridges, coolers and step-up transformers.
On the one hand State Govt boasts of self sufficiency in power sector and on the other hand helpless masses have to spent restless nights due to sudden power breakdown, while the high ups are enjoying cool breeze under sophisticated ACS.
At certain places single phase power line has resulted in blinking light and the people in these areas have been baked by the blistering heat, including tender babies.
The PDD authorities should make surveys of  the power requirements in various segments of the city, before the onset of burning summer season to avoid the public resentment. They should install strong transformers to bear the brunt of excessive power consumption  during these months. Power pilferage must be curbed with an iron hand as in other States. This can improve the power scenario of the State.
Good governance means to supply electricity and water according to the seasonal demands of the State.
Yours etc…
K.L. Dhar
Durga Nagar Enclave