Power situation in Jammu

This refers to the article ”Power situation in Jammu by Sham Lal Langer” DE July 14. The article is very informative and thought provoking for a lay man like me. Till now whenever we had power cut and approached PDD officials to ascertain reasons for failure, the standard reply we got was : ”no funds,hence no repairs, so power failure”. Now after reading this article, I too have certain questions for the top brass of Power Development Department of Jammu and Kashmir. I ask these questions to them through this paper rather than resorting to RTI  process so that general public,like me,who have similar questions get the answers directly from them. My questions are;-
* What is the reason of power failure whenever we have slight wind or bad weather? This is a routine phenomena and not an exception.Why?
* When we are paying our monthly  electricity bill regularly and before due date,why are we being put through this torture of No Electricity, more often than not.
* Is there any one responsible to ensure regular supply of electricity to Pacca Gharat and Talab Tillo area?. At present we find none.
* Where does the money we pay in terms of monthly electricity bill and the maintenance grant from Government PDD Department gets, is utilised? Why are not old transformers replaced and systems improved so that honestly bills paying residents of Pacca Gharat and Talab Tillo got regular supply of electricty.
* Will the top brass of PDD   establish some help line where we can reach in times of frequent electricity failures?
* Will you please establish a public grievance cell / web site where we can register our complaints so that they reach the top brass for their information and action. For this it is requested to establish mechanism by which the grievance registered reach the top brass for their information and action. They should not die down at the lower level only.
I  request some responsible officer in the PDD to address these issues and others connected with frequent power failure problem in Pacca Gharat and Talab Tillo area and inform us what the department intends to do to address this very serious problem.
Col Kulbhushan Gupta (Retd)
Pacca Gharat,