Prakash Utsav of Guru Nabha Dass to be celebrated on Mar 29

Office bearers of All J&K Mahasha Sadar Sabha during a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Office bearers of All J&K Mahasha Sadar Sabha during a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 25: All Jammu and Kashmir Mahasha Sadar Sabha will celebrate 447th Prakash Utsav of Guru Nabha Dass Ji on March 29 at Dogra Hall, Jammu.
This was revealed by president of the Sabha, Dr ML Rao, while addressing a joint press conference of All J&K Mahasha Sadar Sabha and Trust Guru Nabha Dass. He said that the decision in this connection was taken unanimously in the executive body meeting of the Sabha.
Rao said to celebrate the occasion, he has reconstituted the executive body with some new and experienced persons including Om Raj Bhalla and Jaipal as senior vice-presidents, Vijay Kalotra as additional general secretary and Manmohan as joint secretary.
He said, besides honouring the outstanding and meritorious persons and the students of the community, various long pending demands of the community and the Sabha will be highlighted during the function organized in connection with Prakash Utsav of Guru Nabha Dass Ji.
Rao informed that the long pending demand of the Sabha to name Shakuntla Chowk as Guru Nabha Dass Chowk may be fulfilled on March 29 as Mayor Jammu has promised to do so.