A month-long stalemate at Jammu University caused by the strike of Class IV employees is assuming serious dimension. Reportedly the agitating employees have now been joined by Safai Karamcharis who have called of work of sanitation on the Campus unless their demands are met. It is curious that resolution of this tangle should take such a long time and even then no end is in sight. It is reported that agreement on some of the demands of Class IV employees have been met but they are insisting on written orders. We are not very clear on what has been agreed up and what remains to be discussed and decided. The fact is that Class IV employees are at the lowest rung of services in the University or anywhere in the Government Departments. It is incumbent upon the authorities of an institution to be disposed off favourably towards them and discuss their demands or difficulties with compassion. . University authorities should have been able to react to their strike with pragmatism. Even if some of their demands are over stated, they have to be convinced why these are over stated and why the authorities have technical, financial, administrative or other difficulties in meeting them full way.
Safai Karamcharis have joined their strike and the result is that instead of resolving the problem it has been exacerbated. Since refuse, litter and garbage are collecting, there is apprehension of health hazard. A university campus has to look tidy and attractive. Authorities should pay attention towards this situation. However at the same time, agitating employees should also realize that they owe responsibility towards university community. It is the institution, which provides sustenance to them and their families. Demands are all right but unreasonable demands cannot be granted. There is a scheme of things, which cannot be turned upside down just because a certain group is to be pleased or appeased. They should be realistic and not behave as antagonistic to the interests of the university.
We may also impress upon University authorities that regularization of temporary employees after they have fulfilled stipulated conditions should not be deferred for regularization. This creates disappointment among the workers and does harm to the university. In fact their regularization should have taken place in normal course of things instead of lingering on the matter that forced the employees to go on a strike. It could be possible that the leaders of the striking employees are invited to talk to a mediating agency to thrash out irritants and find a reasonable solution to their demands.