Preparation for Bridal Beauty

Shahnaz Husain
To look your best on your wedding day, preparations should begin well in advance. Home skin and hair care regimes should start at least 4 to 6 weeks before. As far as salon treatments are concerned, many services are available for bridal care, which may also include treatments for specific skin and hair problems. Some of these should be taken in good time.
For example, if there is an acne condition or blemishes, or a hair problem, the salon treatments should be taken at least 2 to 4 months in advance, depending on the problem. Specific bridal packages and actual salon make-over for brides culminates on the day before and on the day of the wedding itself, with make-up, hairstyling and even “dressing up” in the bridal attire.
To ensure glowing skin on your wedding day, tone the skin daily with chilled rose water, using cotton wool pads. Wipe and stroke the skin with them. Then, pat briskly with the rosewater-soaked cotton wool pads. Use facial scrub once or twice a week, removing dead cells and brightening the skin. Mix ground almonds with yogurt. Rub gently, with small circular movements, washing off with water. Or, take sesame seeds (til), dried mint (pudina) leaves and honey. Crush the sesame seeds coarsely and powder the dried mint leaves. Mix them with a little honey and apply on the skin. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rub gently and wash off with water.
For normal to dry skin, the bride can take weekly salon facials with facial massage. This helps to refine skin texture and revitalize the skin. It also heightens the skin’s ability to absorb products. The massage is followed by mask, toning and cold compress. For normal to oily skin, weekly clean-ups help to smoothen and brighten the skin. In a face clean-up, deep pore cleansing methods are provided along with exfoliation with scrubs. This helps to remove dead skin cells and keep the pores free of clogged oil. It not only brightens the skin, but keeps it smooth and clear. During face clean-ups, blackheads are also extracted, if necessary. Masks and other procedures are used to help to remove oiliness, shrink the pores and make the skin smooth and translucent.
The diet helps to keep the system flushed and the skin clear and glowing. A part of the daily diet must consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, skimmed milk, paneer.
Fruit and vegetable juices, freshly extracted are ideal. Cut down your intake of sugar, starch and fried foods and increase your intake of raw foods, like fresh fruits, raw salads and sprouts. Drink plenty of water. Take the juice of one lemon in a glass of water first thing in the morning to cleanse the system. Try to get adequate sleep during the few weeks before the wedding. Lack of sleep can affect the skin, taking away the glow. The eyes also begin to look strained and tired. Go to bed early every night. If you have problems going to sleep, take a glass of warm milk with one tablespoon honey, instead of sugar. Both milk and honey help to induce sleep.