Preserving heritage amidst neglect

For centuries, the Jaganu Fort has stood tall, a symbol of cultural heritage that speaks volumes about our storied past. What should have been a beacon of historical significance has been overshadowed by the conversion of its premises into a full-fledged Higher Secondary School. This encroachment, perpetrated under the guise of progress, stands as a mockery of the heritage site. Despite being declared a State-Protected Monument under the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, the fort has been subjected to unauthorised construction, defacement of its walls, and encroachment on its premises. The authorities’ failure to nip this encroachment in the bud has led to irreversible damage to the fort’s architectural integrity. The very essence of Jaganu Fort has been compromised, as it struggles to reclaim its rightful place in history amidst the chaos of modern development.
Efforts to restore the fort and preserve its glory have been stymied by bureaucratic hurdles and indifference. Despite repeated pleas from the Department of Archives, Archaeology, and Museums, the school continues to operate within the fort premises, defying laws meant to protect our cultural heritage. The grim reality is that State-protected Monuments face a greater threat from official apathy than from public encroachment. Jaganu Fort is just one example among many where historical sites are openly encroached upon while authorities remain silent spectators. The Department responsible for safeguarding these treasures often lacks the necessary intent to enforce protection, and cooperation with District Administrations is sorely lacking. Numerous litigations languish in courts, seemingly ignored by all. Not long ago, the commencement of new construction within Jaganu Fort underscored the severity of the issue. Although construction halted after intervention from the District Collector, it is troubling that the administration has failed to provide an alternative location for the school. If sufficient funds are unavailable, leasing a suitable building would be a pragmatic interim solution. The paramount objective should be to address this longstanding issue promptly. Urgent steps must be taken to relocate the school and initiate restoration efforts for Jaganu Fort without delay.