Preventing Dementia

This has reference to the writeup’Reduce the risk of Dementia’by Dr S K Gupta, published on occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day(DE, Sep 21, 2019).It is shocking to read that the number of patients of dementia, which literally means’ loss of ability to think’, is increasing at a rapid pace and the figure is likely to double by 2030 and triple by 2050.The fact that by 2020 approximately 70% of the world’s dementia cases of elderly population will be in the developing countries should make us create awareness and take preventive measures.Dementia is a global issue and serious brain disorder which involves not just loss of memory but also gradual irreversible decline of brain function such as reorientation, walking, talking and interferes with a person’s normal everyday life.The writer,himself a renowned neurologist,has beautifully highlighted the causes and factors aggravating dementia ,preventive measures such as exercise, good and healthy diet, vitamins, no smoking, building a strong sociàl network etc and and remedies of this disorder which affects not only the patient but all the caretakers and members of family.
The Alzheimer’s Day should make us introspect and motivate everybody-the Government, NGOs and the family members of the patients to take measures so that the patients of this dreaded disease receive a good support, especially from their family members who should interact with them frequently, provide them good diet and atmosphere and keep them busy in everyday activities to enable them to live a good life.The writer deserves appreciation for describing this complex neurological disorder in an easy and understandable language. Such articles definitely help in creating awareness about such diseases, explode various myths and provide factual information about such little known disorders.
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony, Udhampur.