Preventing Elders abuse

A K Arora
The   international   net work and W.H.O.  at the United Nations launched this day on 15th. Of  June  2006. The day is celebrated every year throughout the world to bring together  the  Senior  Citizens ,their children, their caregivers, close relations and the Government to combat the problem, supported by the United Nations  and  the  world Health   organizations… The International Network for the Prevention of Elders   Abuse(INPEA) was founded in 1997 It is a global body dedicated to the  cause of disseminating   information on the  prevention of Elders Abuse. INPEA defines Elders   Abuse  as  Neglect, violation of  Human legal  and medical rights and deprivation of the Elderly. It serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations  and  communities to raise awareness about Elders Abuse. Elders  abuse is a knowingly intentional act by a care giver that causes harm to a vulnerable adult. There are many examples of abuse such as
* Physical abuse  like  slapping, brusing,  restraining,
* Sexual  abuse  ie. Non consensual sexual act
* Neglect_   Not  to  provide shelter, food health care etc.
* Exploitation_ concealment of funds, properties or assets of a senior elder
* Emotional abuse_ inflicting mental pain, anguish or distress through verbal acts, humiliating etc.
* Abondonment_  desertion  of an elderly person by a care giver.
And   lastly   the   self  neglect which is characterized as a failure of a person to perform self care which is most unfortunate and not attributed to any caregiver..
Self neglect results in changes in personality and behavior.  Such changes are indication of elders  abuse and is borne in silence .
Social development studies carried out in our country   reveal alarming figures. Nearly 2/3rd of elderly people in our country   are  neglected  by their families while as 1/3rd  remaining  face physical and  verbal   abuse. The studies further reveal   that   elders   in urban areas face more brunt than those  in the rural areas. In our country still family ties are strong and elders enjoy respect and live in dignity in rural areas. They live together  and  nuclear  families are the ones left for the urban areas only. With the fast changing times the things are going to change in the rural areas also.
Mostly younger people consider elders as burden on them. With extended life span and more expenses on medicines and hospitalization the younger ones abstain from taking care of the elders and as such they are left high and dry and also often subject to elders abuse. The sufferers of  elders  abuse are both men and women but over all the women are the more sufferers.  Women   generally   live longer than the men   as it is customary to marry men of higher age. Once  widowed they are the main target of elders abuse. Elders are mostly fragile, with poor reflexes and vulnerable in all respects are dependent   on the  youngers  and thus are subject to elders abuse at some time or the other.
There are no laws to protect the elders from the elders abuse However Govt. Of India has enacted an act ” Maintenance  and welfare of parents and senior citizens Act 2007″  which  protects the elders  from elders abuse. Unfortunately the Act has  not  been  extended  to  the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Neither extending the Act nor having  their own  Act  is nothing but State Elders abuse. Anti Dowry laws are further cause of elders abuse when  reported  by  the  daughters in law. A detailed study further reveals that the cases reported are just a tip of the iceberg and mostly the cases go unreported. A recent study has further revealed that 30 % of   the  Indian  elderlies  are subject to one or the other abuse by their families including elder  sons ,daughters  in law or any other care givers. But ironically one out of six report this abuse  for  redressal.
There are nearly 8  crore   elderly  people in our country. Most of them do not have access to basic pension. They are poor people like   labourers, rickshaw pullers, daily wagers, teastall  owners and so on & who are the main sufferers of elderly abuse.  Under social  security  a few are being paid old age pension. Rs.7/= per day  pension  to such people is nothing but an elders abuse. At one stage nearly 125 oldies from 10 states sent back Rs 7/= each to  the  P.M.. to show their resentment. In some cases the pensioner has to spend more on  his  transportation  than the pension he is to get from the government. This is nothing but  an  elderly abuse.
Providing some basic facilities like financial  safety ,health care, personal safety etc. is the social responsibility of the State. Even the state pensioners are not covered under any health insurance. Most of the Insurance cos. do not insure people for health insurance after a particular age. Even the Govt. Hospitals refuse to admit a patient without an attendant. These are also the cases of elderly abuse.
As mentioned earlier there are no laws to prevent elders abuse.. Fast   track  systems need to be provided to enable older persons to seek early justice. There is need to bring   awareness  in the younger generation through print and electronic media. Acts, plays and dramas can really leave a print on the minds  of  youngers . Elders   abuse is not a new phenomena. It is as old as the civilization..It is human nature to exploit the weak  and  weakness  in any form ,may be physical ,financial ,intellectual etc. Any one of these or unfortunately all these weaknesses can inflict any person. Younger people exploit these weaknesses for their benefit. However this  may  not  be  true in all cases but it is  and has been present all along in all ages with of course with  varying degree.  Ther e   is  empirical  evidence to suggest that in India the elders abuse is increasing both within  families and Institutions. It also prevails across castes and religions. Its   ingress is more in urban areas than the rural. Women in general are more prone to  elders  abuse than the men. In our country these abuses are confined to the four walls of the houses and not made public. Very few cases are reported or relief   is  sought.
Problems are many but there are solutions also. Till such time the” State Act for the Maintenance of Parents and senior Citizens “is enacted the seniors are deprived of the provisions in the Act which can prevent Elders Abuse. However many other steps can be taken by the State to minimize the  elders  abuse.  A few of these can be
* Beds in hospitals be provided  to  all senior citizens  as far as possible
* Separate   Ques  for senior citizens where ever public services are provided by the Govt.
* Facilities for treatment of  chronic, terminal and degenerative diseases are expanded.
* Earmarked seats in  Road Transport
* Health Insurance
* Police protection against criminals
* Earmarked facilities   for  geriatric patients in every district hospital  and many more to avoid elders abuse..
Even the Supreme Court of India agreed to dwell on the issue of  evolving of acceptable solutions and schemes for the  welfare of senior citizens and most importantly establishment of Old Age homes at each District of the State. Former Law   Minister  said before the Hon’ble  Judges that a very large number of oldies, the figure which is increasing day by day, are living without roof , proper  clothes  and food ,not to talk of medical facilities and the budgetary provisions are very  paltry. Providing an Old Age Home at all the districts  can be seen as an alternative to elders abuse. To do so it may not be possible for the State due to many constraints, the Civil Society   has to come forward. The  Old Age Home at  Amphalla, Jammu  is an example before us. The State Govt can at least come forward for liberal Grant in Aid for such Homes. This can encourage the civil society in other districts to come forward. WE believe that if this is done a large number of oldies can get relief from  Elders Abuse.
(The author is President, Association for Welfare of Senior Citizens (Regd)