Previous Govt failed to provide basic amenities to people: Shiv Sena

Dimpy Kohli, State president of Shiv Sena, addressing a press conference at Jammu.
Dimpy Kohli, State president of Shiv Sena, addressing a press conference at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 6: Shiv Sena Bala Sahib Thackrey, J&K unit, criticized the previous BJP Government for its failure to provide basic amenities to the people of the State.
Briefing media persons jointly here today, Dimpy Kohli, State president and Manish Sahni, general secretary, Shiv Sena, said that the people of Jammu regions are facing hardships on account of shortage of drinking water, defunct street lights, dilapidated condition of roads, unemployment and many others due to step-motherly treatment given by the successive Government in the State.
Sahni said the people of Jammu region has created a history by giving massive mandate to BJP with a view so that the discrimination faced by the people of Jammu region could be removed but unfortunately nothing has been done. The former ministers of previous Government indulged into the corrupt practices leaving aside the mandate and promises made with the people of Jammu region during the 2014 Assembly elections, he added.
Instead of creating job avenues and promoting tourism of Jammu region, the previous BJP Government has been utterly failed to resolve the basic issues of people related to the power, water and roads.
“Some political parties are exploiting the poor people and down trodden sections of the society by showing them such dreams, which they cannot fulfill,” Kohli said, terming these political parties as dream sellers and hollow slogan mongers as the leaders of these parties just appear during electioneering and after elections, disappear.
Kohli asked the people of Jammu region to support Shiv Sena in the upcoming Parliamentary and Assembly elections so that the day-today issues of common masses would be resolved. He asked the people to vote in favour of Shiv Sena for the holistic development of the Jammu region in general and Jammu in particular.