Prioritize works of construction of culverts, roads connecting schools in rural areas: Abdul Haq

SRINAGAR: Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Law and Justice, Abdul Haq Khan today emphasized the need for creating essential physical and social infrastructure at village level.

The Minister was speaking at a meeting convened to review the progress registered by the department on various public welfare initiatives in the state.

Addressing the officers, the Minister impressed upon them to make concerted efforts to conserve the natural heritage through increased activities under Swachh Bharat Mission. He further insisted on creating valuable and quality assets under MGNREGA.

The Minister reiterating government’s commitment for sustainable development of rural pockets said that sizeable population resides in rural areas and the present dispensation has focused attention on creating lasting physical and social infrastructure in rural belts.

While reviewing the physical progress on various developmental works, the Minister stressed on construction of culverts/roads connecting schools on priority, so that the school going children may not face accessibility challenges.

He also stressed on covering of paths with concrete payers to make them weather resistant and ideal for the village topography. The Minister further directed the officers to ensure adoption of proper designs for execution of big projects especially for Culverts and Bridges to make the projects sustainable and cost effective.

Regarding department’s recently launched campaign “polythene free village” under the “Gaon Jehan Hamara”, the Minister directed DPOs/BDOs to ensure polythene free environment in villages by strictly dealing with defaulters by imposing fines in accordance with law.

The Minister was informed that department is taking swift and strict action in this regard and till date 09 quintals of polythene has been seized and Rs. 95490 have been realized as fine from the defaulters. Besides, 291 quintals of polythene was collected from the villages.

During the meeting, the Minister was informed that department has set a target of generating 56.40 lakh man days during the current financial year out of which 13 percent target have been achieved in first quarter of the year.

Meeting was further informed that the department has issued five lakh job cards  out of which 4.73 lakh job  cards have been verified  while 50 percent of the total job cards have been  linked with Aadhar .

Under IAY,  the department has taken up the work on 6961 units out of which 1484 units have been completed. Under PMAY the department has set a target of completion of 7117 units in the valley having an available budget of Rs 28.57 crore.

The meeting was attended by Secretary RDD, Nirmal Sharma, Director RDD, Gazanfar Hussain, Director Rural Sanitation, Director Panchayats, Superintending Engineer REW Kashmir, Joint Director (Planning), Additional Secretary K.K.Sidha, Assistant Director (Planning) were also present in the meeting.