Prioritizing connectivity

For quite some time, policy planners have focused attention on the status of Jammu-Srinagar Highway, which, according to reports, is a vital issue to be addressed on priority. This all is a 300-kilometres long hilly stretch over the Sivalaks and Pir Panchal. The surface connectivity has been in use ever since accession of the State to the Indian Union in 1947. Only recently, the ancient Mughal Road has been revived and streamlined to become the alternative surface connection between the two regions. Ladakh connectivity is also part of this vital link. There are some stretches in the existing Jammu-Srinagar Highway that pass through non-stable mountains prone to landslides.
Vehicular traffic on this highway has increased manifold. With boost in economic and developmental works, number of vehicles plying on this highway has increased ten-fold. In recent years, road blockades owing to landslides, snow avalanches and traffic jams have created much hindrance to smooth running of traffic. In particular during the summer season when thousands of tourists want to visit the valley and also thousands of pilgrims are on their way to the holy shrine of Amarnath, the traffic along the road needs to be smooth and hassle free. Incessant rains cause recurrent landslides and consequential traffic blockades. Border Road Organization is entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance of this Highway but for some serious reasons even the BRO is not able to ensure its unobstructed traffic flow. The main reason is the topography of the region. After receiving an SOS from the State Government, the Union Ministry for Roads and Surface Transport has mounted attention and taken quick decision to ensure that 4-laning of this Highway is expeditiously undertaken so that the project is completed in next three years in any case.
In renewed efforts, the Union Ministry has taken some special measures to ensure connectivity without obstruction. Firstly, it has directed the BRO to ensure repair and improvement of the Highway that is already under their supervision. Secondly, the stretch from Udhampur to Qazigund has been divided into four zones. For each zone funds have been released and more funds for other zones will also be released soon. The Centre has assured that funding will not be any constraint. Thirdly, all contracting agencies have been directed to complete the task in three years. It has been emphasized that while giving contracts the agencies have to be told that they will be responsible for the maintenance of the improved zone or stretch for three years after its completion. An important aspect of the 4-laning of this track is the construction of two tunnels in Chanani-Nashri sector which is already underway.
Union Government has approved Rs 3382.66 crore for 4-laning of the highway from Udhampur to Banihal while funds for widening the highway on remaining stretches will also be cleared shortly by the Union Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), which was authorized to release funds for construction purposes.
The 4-laning encompasses not only widening of the road but also making tunnels, building bridges and culverts, cutting sharp turns with the purpose of shortening the distance from Jammu to Srinagar. Udhampur-Ramban stretch of the highway would be reduced to 40.07 kilometres only excluding Chenani to Nashri tunnel, which is being constructed under separate sub project while distance of Ramban-Banihal stretch would be 32.10 kilometres. It may be mentioned here that Jammu-Srinagar National Highway-IA has already been re-designated as NH-44.
This shows that the Central Government has prioritized the repair, 4-laning, maintenance and upkeep of this vital surface link. It has assured the State Government that funds would not be a constraint and has undertaken to provide funds zone-wise. With this push, we find that there should be no reason for delaying 4-laning project. Actually it is not only Jammu to Srinagar link; it is in fact Jammu to Ladakh and to the Indo-China border link that is under the purview of the Union Government. There is hardly any need of overemphasizing the strategic importance of this road and the necessity that it should remain open and traffic-worthy round the year. The tunnelling at Baltal and Zoji La and 4-laning of Srinagar Leh road are also the components of this project. The Defence Ministry has already its plans of upgrading the security of the Indo-China border in Ladakh and this can be done only when the surface connectivity is assured round the year.
The Union Ministry for Surface Transport has done a commendable job by assuring the Government of funds. We welcome it. Now all emphasis has to be on performance on the ground. The rainy season is near at hand and during this season there is always great threat of mud-slides obstructing the highway. This is the reason why the Union Ministry has asked the BRO to undertake maintenance of the highway on war-footing.