Private school fees

Come April and new session of schooling is ready to start. Students are very excited to study in next class. But it is worthwhile to mention here that our State Government  has not fixed any fee structure for private schools. Nobody is there to ask them.
These private schools charge huge amount of money from parents not only as tuition and admission fee but also for uniform, books, transport and other miscellaneous things throughout the year. No parent compromises on the education of their wards. But it does not mean these private schools charge fee as per their will. Govt. should look into the matter very minutely. There should be rules and norms for private schools. There should be audit of private schools during every financial year. On the other hand, State Govt. has waived off fee of girl students upto higher secondary level to encourage them which is a welcome step.
Yours etc…
Mukesh Kumar
Govt High School
Chakrali, Marh