Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, July 28: A meeting of private schools of Samba district was organized by Kulwinder Singh, District President of the Private Schools Association, to discuss the problems and issues being confronted by the private schools.
Rajeev Slathia highlighted main agenda of the meeting, which included constitution of area wise/district wise flying squad committees to monitor the academic activities of private (recognized) schools by the Jt Director School Education Jammu, failure of Education Department in implementation of all types of rules and regulation on play way schools, nursery schools, tutorials, coaching centers and initiative of Transport Commissioner J&K in streamlining the school bus fare owned/ hired by the Private schools in the State, etc.
While speaking, PSA members alleged that the Government was demoralizing those who have jumped into this profession willingly to render yeomen services and to run their livelihood. “Although the Government has kept education and health in the priority list but till date number of lapses are existing in the policies framed by the Government at Centre & State level. Draconian rules of the Government are compelling most of the volunteers who have jumped into this venture, to quit because one has to fulfill number of formalities to obtain recognition / permission of a Private school whereas all other establishments (coaching centers, tutorials, hobby centers, play way schools etc ) having same nature of work are left unbridled,” they said.
General Secretary of JKPSA Ajay Gupta, who was special invitee in the meeting, said that constitution of area wise flying squad committees to monitor the academic activities of Private (recognized) schools only depicts the malafide intention of the Government to encroach the internal autonomy of recognized Private schools to promote the ‘Inspector Raj’.
Ajay Gupta also appealed to the Transport Commissioner J&K that before streamlining the school bus fare of vehicles owned / hired by the private schools, arrangement of SRTC buses should be made on the pattern of Private schools to calculate exact income and expenditure incurred on the transport.
The members, who spoke in the meeting, included Gourav Charak, Kabla Singh, Gurdayal Singh, Shakti Sharma, Neeru Samyal, Mohan Singh, Paramjeet Singh, Surjeet Singh, Naresh Choudhary, Narinder Singh and others.