Private sector and healthcare facilities

In order to narrow down urban – rural divide in the health sector of the country, the efforts of the Government needed to be supplemented by all concerned agencies from the Private Sector. In building up the economy of the country with a good measure of contribution towards the annual GDP, the role of the Private Sector can hardly be ignored. Providing direct and indirect employment by this sector eases the pressure on the Government to a larger extent.
Though it plays its role in the Health Sector too, but what is needed is its philanthropic approach to be more elastic looking to lack of adequate and affordable medical facilities in the country’s rural area which is vast in its size with pressing problems in providing better health care. Vice President V. Venkaiah Naidu, while expressing concern over lack of medical facilities in the rural sector expected the Private Sector to come forward with a humane approach to help the Government in its efforts towards this end. He was, a few days back,  addressing the convocation ceremony of Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
In a scenario where the Government was spending very less portion as Budgetary allocation in this sector, coupled with rapid population growth, insanitary and unhygienic conditions  and reluctance of many from the medical fraternity to serve in the rural sector , the vast majority of our population living in rural areas are bereft of reachable , affordable and available medical facilities. The medical profession, in most of the cases, was fast becoming more commercial than more considerate. Diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, TB and other water borne diseases continue to wreck havoc in the rural sector especially in respect of children.
It is in this context,  the Vice President expressed concern and  desired the Private Sector to be philanthropic and more humane in supplementing the efforts of the Government and stressed upon the Medical Colleges of the country to do a bit more in the field of research and innovation as India lagged behind several countries in this regard.