PRO KU, Revenue official, cop terminated for militant links

Fayaz Bukhari

SRINAGAR, July 17: The administration today sacked three employees, including the Kashmir University Public Relations Officer (PRO) for allegedly working with militant outfits, raising finances for them and propagating their ideology.

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The three employees have been identified as PRO Kashmir University Faheem Aslam, Revenue Department Officer Murawath Hussain Mir and police constable Arshid Ahmad Thoker.
The officials said the services of the three have been terminated due to a number of charges, including for allegedly working with Pakistan-based militant outfits, providing logistics to militants, propagating militant ideology, raising finances for militancy and furthering a secessionist agenda.
The Government has invoked 311(2)(c) of the Constitution to sack the three Government employees after the investigation established that they were acting on behalf of “Pakistan’s ISI and terror outfits”.
“Aslam is a “diehard secessionist” who not only subscribes to and endorses the secessionist ideology, but has been a key propagandist for terrorists and terror outfits in the Kashmir valley,” officials said.
They said several of Aslam’s social media posts demonstrated his hatred for the country and mentioned the security forces as “Indian Occupational Forces”.
As per the dossier, in one of his posts on Facebook, Faheem Aslam wrote on 23 May 2020:
“Nothing can ever change one reality; Kashmir will always observe Eid with Pakistan, ALWAYS! That’s for Pakistan, not Kashmiris. We will go with Pakistan. Let Pakistan decide who they want to go with: Choudhary sb or Mufti sb”.
The dossier says that in another social media post Faheem Aslam wrote: “May Allah [SWT] ease the sufferings of Muslims across the globe, especially in Palestine, Kashmir and Pakistan. May the occupation end and occupiers burn in hell. May Allah accept the sacrifices of martyrs, and may Gaza and Kashmir see the dawn of freedom soon. [Ameen]”.
The dossier read that on 4th August 2015, his social media post read: “Epitaph on the grave of my cousin from Islamabad who was martyred by Indian occupational forces on 27 October 1990. He was 20 years then. Please read the lines once and pray for his soul. May his soul rest in peace. Ameen!!!”
The dossier said that Aslam besides being an University employee, was working with a newspaper and was drawing salary in cash.
The Revenue official Murawath Hussain Mir was appointed as a Junior Assistant in 1985 in Revenue Department. As per police dossier, he got involved in militancy in 1990 and was active member of Hizbul Mujahideen. It said that he was allowing free access to militants to interfere in the affairs of Tehsil office of Pampore.
In October 1995, he was arrested by security forces in Rajbagh, Srinagar along with 4 other militants. He was jailed for 8 months before getting released and managing re-entry in the Government. His son Haris Murawath is pursuing MBBS in Pakistan. Constable Arshid Ahmad Thoker was recruited in Police in 2009 and after his recruitment he was working with the Jaish-e-Mohammad militant outfit.
The Police dossier stated that in 2020 he was arrested along with 5 JeM associates and one Chinese pistol with pistol magazine, four pistol rounds, one hand grenade, Indian currency of Rs 1,55,000 and one Kilogram of heroin was recovered from his possession.
In three separate orders, the administration said the Lieutenant Governor is satisfied after considering the facts and circumstances of the case and on the basis of the information available, the activities of the three are such that warrant their dismissal from service.
“The Lieutenant Governor is satisfied under sub-clause (c) of the proviso to clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution of India that in the interest of the security of the state, it is not expedient to hold enquiry in the case of the three,” the orders issued by the Commissioner/ Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department, said.
“Accordingly, the Lieutenant Governor hereby dismisses the three from service, with immediate effect,” they said.