Prof Gupta denounces Farooq’s controversial statement

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 6: Denouncing the highly controversial utterances of Dr. Farooq Abdullah and his fellow travelers in the Congress in the  ongoing  electioneering for Lok Sabha by-poll in the Valley, the former Union Minister, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta said that it was a strange poly that they were not only glorifying the violence and terror but also seeking the intervention of foreign powers to sort out their internal problems.
Prof Gupta said that Dr. Farooq is contesting by-poll for the membership of  Lok Sabha, which has already adopted a unanimous resolution that entire State of J&K is an integral part of India. And more so, the NC leader is indulging in such a gimmick after oath of the Constitution under which this State is an irrevocable part of the country and no one has the authority to change this position. It is a strange hypocrisy, he added and observed that it is an attempt to befool the electors ignoring all the norms of morality and decency.
Prof Gupta said that it was amazing that when in power Dr. Farooq pleaded for stern measures against cross border terror and highest number of ultras were eliminated during his tenure viz. 1996 to 2002.  And had been pleading for bombing of the training camps by saying that “Latton Kay Bhoot Baton se Nahin Mante” but now out of power to garner votes of separatists, appeals are being made to even radicals and stone pelters by saying the youth is fighting for the  Azadi of the nation.
He said that during the past over 27 years of armed militancy more than fifty thousand of human lives have been lost. In the six years of Farooq regime, 1996 to 2002, as many as about 16000 persons were killed. They included over 8000 armed militants, about 6000 innocent civilians lost their lives either at hands of ultras or in cross firings and more than 2000 men of the forces had to sacrifice their lives to control the situation. Why don’t at that time Dr. Farooq took measures to sort out issues for which he is harping now, when out of authority, Prof Gupta questioned and observed that one should refrain from such  politics.
He said that the Congress being a national level party owes an explanation that whether its leadership too supports the antics of  NC leaders, especially on issues of  eulogizing  the terrorists and perpetrators of violence.