Prof Virender criticizes NC-Cong leadership

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 9: BJP State spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta strongly condemned the tendency of some of the Kashmir based leaders to equate the killing of militants with innocent persons killed by the militants and with the martyrs belonging to security persons who sacrifice their lives while fighting with the Pakistan sponsored militants, engaged in the destructive activities and disturbing the peace and tranquillity of Jammu and Kashmir State.
In a statement issued here, today he said that a terrorist is a terrorist, whether he is a Pakistani or Kashmiri, is enemy of the people of the State and that of the Indian nation and added that those equating terrorist killing with a policeman or a security person who lays down his life to defend the State and public in general, are doing a great dis-service to the State and to the country.
The spokesperson also criticized those, in particular the leaders of National Conference and those of Congress party who treated India which is victim of Pakistan’s proxy war and is trying to protect its land and the people from its aggression, with Pakistan which is recognized as haven for the terrorists and inflicting injuries to Indians, in particularly the people of Jammu and Kashmir State. He asked Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar to give their pious advice to Pakistan for which they have great sympathy, to stop importing terrorism into the Indian territory and its unprovoked heavy firing on the Indian side.
He said that in the present situation when the Indian Government is forced to counter Pakistan sponsored Islamic terrorism and defend its borders from its aggressive activities, the dialogue between the India and Pakistan cannot be viewed. The dialogue can only be fruitful if tension on the borders is minimized and Pakistan stops nefarious designs to bleed India and Indian people living in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Pakistan must understand that its policy of enmity with India is not going to pay it. Ultimately, it is going to weaken itself and further disintegrate, he added.