“Obeisance unto supreme God known as Sudershan Vasudeva Dhanwantri, holder of Amrit Kalash which is full of immortality, who removes all fears and disease. The well wisher and sustainer of world is Vishnu Swarupa by the name of Dhanwantri, empowered to heal the human beings.” (Dhanwantri Mantra).
Kartik Krishanpakh Tryodashi is generally celebrated as Dhanteras but Ayurvedic Professionals throughout world celebrate Dhanwantri Jayanti-the day when Lord Dhanwantri appeared during the churning of the milk ocean by demons and demigods, holding pot of nectar is one hand and Ayurveda in the other. One of the earliest and outstanding holders of Indian culture in the field of Medicine as well as surgery was Dhanwantri. There are many mythological references about his incarnation, yet his personality and identity are shrouded in the mist of antiquity. In the most authoritative book of surgery, Sushrata Samhita, he has been referred as Kashiraj Devodas Dhanwantri who is generally believed to be God incarnation of Lord Vishnu and celebrated God Surgeon.
History of Ayurveda testifies that Dhanwantri was teacher of Sushrata and his other colleagues were Aupadhenava, Aurabhra, Baitarana, Paushkalavata, Karivarya and Gopurarksita etc. Sushrata compiled Dhanwantri’s teaching on surgery and his work is known as Sushrata Samhita.
By dint of Dhanwantri’s self statement as Aham hi Dhanwantri radi Deva etc. (Sushrata 1/1/21) i.e. I am that Dhanwantri who appeared at the time of ocean churning festival. It is obvious that the teacher of Sushrata and his colleagues was the God incarnation of Lord Vishnu; hence the worship of Dhanwantri is celebrated on auspicious day viz Dhanwantri Tryodashi.
It is difficult to establish chronology in history of medicine in India.The great medical seers Bhardwaja, Punarvasu Atreya, Dhanwantri and Sushtrata are much anterior to Buddha and even the time of Mahabharata. On the basis of various comprehensive research studies, the time of Dhanwantri is estimated to be about 1500 years before Christ.
In comparison to vedic era, the elaborated references about Dhanwantri are there almost in all Puranas including Guard Puran, Skand Puran, Vishnu Puran, Harivansh Purana and Markandeya Puran. Dhanwantri has been mentioned as progenitor of Ayurveda in Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagwat Puran.
There are many mythological references about Dhanwantri. In Hindu mythology, he is often referred to as God incarnation of Vishnu as well as Shankar. One such mythological saying reveals that Dhanwantri, physician of God was sent by Lord Indra to the earth to impart knowledge of medicine with special reference to surgery. To his students, Sushrata was the most expert in the skill of surgery and on the basis of the Dhanwantri’s teachings, he wrote a compendium on surgery known as Sushrata Samhita.
Due to extraordinary contribution of Dhanwantri and Sushrata in the field of surgery, both are mentioned with great reverence in the history of modern medicine. The honour of being first plastic surgeon in the history of mankind rightly goes to Dhanwantri. The symbolic mythological references about Dhanwantri can be subject matter of debate but by dint of his extraordinary skill Dhanwantri is referred as symbol of surgical specialization. In fact modern surgery is greatly indebted to the original contribution made by Dhanwantri and his discipline Sushrata. He along with other great surgeons has set a high standard in medicine and surgery, evidence of which is evident in their monographs.
Dhanwantri’s teaching of highest professional excellence are reflected mainly in monumental classic monograph Sushrata Samhita, which has dealt extensively with all the then known aspects of surgery. Description of 101 varieties of blunt instruments named after birds and animals because of their shape, twelve groups of the basic varieties of fractures, reconstruction of cut nose and ears, opening of skull for the removal of brain tumors, couching of cataracts and last but not the least, four principles for the control of hemorrhage along with classification of accidental injuries are some of the classical examples of highest professional excellence. Dhanwantri’s image as surgeon and physician of Ayurveda is esteemed with high reputation. According to Brahmaviavarta Purana he has authored two classical Ayurvedic texts namely Chikitsa Darshnam and Chikitsa Kamudi. Other works attributed to him are Yog Chintamani, Rog Nidhanam, Vaidya Chintamani, Dhanwantri Nigunto, Chikitsa Sar Sangrah and Dhatu Kalpa.
I strongly believe that Dhanwantri Jayanti is the proper occasion for Ayurvedic professionals to have sincere introspection about exclusively intrinsic factors which one way or other are related with wider social acceptance of Ayurvedic cure by ailing masses.Despite marginal improvement in total infrastructure,particularly on academic level,professional paradox exists at various levels.Unrealistic experimentations of curriculum for graduation and post graduation by Central Council of Indian Medicine [CCIM] is largely responsible for said professional paradox. On gross root level,there are visible contradictions in the practice and perception of large segment of Ayurvedic professionals,which is largely counter productive for system itself.This really is an acute case of “Physician ,heal thyself”.
(The author is former Deputy Director Ayurved)