Promoting Hindi

This refers to the editorial’World Hindi Conference’ (DE, Sept13, 2015). Hindi has been accorded the status of  the national language of India and there is no doubt that it is gaining popularity with each passing day.It is spoken and understood by a very large number of people in India and infact, serves as a ‘ link language’between people belonging to different states in India.It,thus, epitomizes ‘unity in diversity’ which is the hallmark of Indian Culture and ethos.The Central and the State Governments are taking various measures to promote the use of Hindi in homes and offices.Hindi Week is celebrated during which students and the people in general are exhorted to speak and use Hindi in their writing.
More and more books are being published in Hindi thus, adding to the rich Indian literature.Central Directorate of Hindi helps in promoting and propagating Hindi by conducting certificate and Diploma courses and publishing unilingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and other books.Even in our own state, people in villages, towns and cities especially those belonging to middle and lower middle class,encourage their children to converse in Hindi instead of Dogri.Students in schools are forbidden to speak in Dogri and one who converses in Dogri is considered to be belonging to illiterate and uncultured family.Young children are even forbidden by over enthsiastic parents to have much conversation with their grandparents who can’t speak Hindi or English.The  fact also remains that Hindi too is losing ground to English among people belonging to upper strata of society in big towns and cities.
Hindi ,undoutedly,should be promoted as the national language but not at the cost of regional languages.Every language ,in fact,has a rich literature of its own and efforts must be made to preserve this literature and add more to each and every language. Children ought to be encouraged to learn more  than one language including their native language and English which has gained importance with the world changing into a small family as a result of globalization.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma