Promoting medicinal wealth in J&K

This is to drew the attention of the concerned authorities towards the functioning of Government Ayurvedic College  at Jammu once again.
It has given a new lease of life to medicinal plant wealth in the State. There is tremendous scope for exploitation of this wealth, as all the three regions of the State are endowed with this bounty.
The visit of Acharya Balkrishen of Patanjali Haridwar recently to DPS School Jammu and DPS School Nagbani is of great significance. While interacting with students and staff of these schools, he stressed all to follow yogic health tips for a happy and peaceful life. The State and Central Governments which have been keen to develop Ayurveda and Ayush should utilize the knowledge of  Indian herbs for guidance of Ayurvedic students.
Moreover, these Governments should  also utilise the services of Balkrishen for promoting Ayurved in the country.
Being climatically divided in three regions, the Jammu and Kashmir State has tremendous scope for herbal medicines. The Government must identity at least three plots of land of about four to six canals each attached to Government Ayureda College Jammu and Government Unani College Srinagar. One for herbs and trees of plain areas, one for herbs and trees of hilly areas, and one for herbs and trees of high altitude areas. To make the projects fully functional, Acharya Balkrishan could be of great help. Old literature like  Dreyguna, Metric medica, Glossary of Indian medicinal plants too could be of help. In this regard Herbariums maintained by IIM Jammu, Dehradun and Haridwar. can play a major role.
Yours etc….
R C Gupta
Bakshi Nagar, Jammu