Promotion of Dogri

This has reference to the article ‘Dogri-5 landmarks in its journey’ by B D Sharma published in the Sunday Magazine of the Daily Excelsior.
The efforts expressing your contention of promoting Dogri language are really admirable and appreciable.Prior to 1962-63 we used to read Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit as a optional subjects in 8th to 10th class but there was no Dogri subject as such. Earlier to 1970 there was a good trial to promote Dogri language through a Dogri Film “Gallan Hoian Beettian” screened by the local director / producer and local artists. It gained the popularity for some time but no solid results could be achieved. Awareness was put through also by the renowned Dogri poets.It is felt that unless this language is recocognised as a subject during schooling, chances are very less to achieve the target. It’s my personal view.
SK Sharma

It is a substantive piece Sharma ji which gives adequate prescriptions to the policy makers, educationists, literatteurs alike for the advancement and profitable use of languages particularly our Maa Boli Dogri. I have tried to make my humble contribution to dogri literature by publishing two Anthologies of dogri poems in which I have tried to explore and try new idiom, themes and varied imagery. Some of these poems definitely meet the criteria you have underlined in your article and these can be certainly taught in the educational institutions.
Ashok Angurana
A well researched write-up. It not only highlights importance of Dogri language; at the same time it’s incorporation in official working of the UT, in particular in Revenue, Police and Judiciary, as suggested in the write-up up, if implimented, would be a landmark step in the right direction.
Varinder Gupta,
Trikuta Nagar Jammu