Protect consumers

National Consumer Rights Day was observed throughout the country to aware consumers of their rights. There were debates, discussions and symposiums. However, one may to say it with dismay that despite these efforts consumers are not much aware of their rights. That is why businessmen, companies, vendors and shopkeepers continue to fleece unsuspecting customers. If one does not want to become a victim of greed of the businessmen, he should become aware of his rights.
At a time when prices are touching the sky, there seem nobody to keep a vigil over prices. Taking advantage of the situation, the greedy shopkeepers indulge in profiteering. Besides, there is the menace of fake goods in the market in which there is no accountability. Though consumer courts are there to safeguard the interests of consumers, most people for one reason or other do not go there. There need to be a speedy redressal mechanism to redress the girevances of consumers. There is also the need to strengthen checking squads who could ensure that no one is duped harassed or looted.
Yours etc….
Vir Singh