Protect eco-fragile regions in J&K

I am deeply concerned about the continued violations and unchecked construction in eco-fragile regions of Jammu and Kashmir. The recent decline in glacier cover in the region has raised alarm bells, and it is disheartening to witness the apathy of authorities towards the environment.
Despite repeated warnings and directives from the National Green Tribunal, Supreme Court, and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, the Building Operations Controlling Authority (BOCA) continues to allow construction in areas like Sonamarg, endangering the delicate ecosystem. Wildlife sanctuaries like Dachigam, Thajwas, and Overa-Aru are suffering as a result.
The consequences of this unchecked development, including receding glaciers, water scarcity, and a decline in tourism, are dire. It’s imperative that all legal entities take proactive measures to protect these vital areas.
We urge the Union Territory administration to take immediate action, issue necessary directives to development authorities, and prioritize eco-friendly development practices to ensure the long-term well-being of Jammu and Kashmir’s environment.
Sumit Sehgal