Protection of Animals

Ramswarup ji Yogacharya
Entire Yajurved preaches about form of pious and impious deeds. So naturally, it inspires todischarge moral duties while doing only pious-auspicious deeds and always to beaway from committing sins.
(Yajurved mantra 40/2 refers) It has been a conclusion of our learned ancient and present Rishi-Munis that until and unless public is made known about Yajurved philosophy, public will remain indulged in illusion and will not be able to discharge their duties faithfully and thus Governmentwould also not be able to restrain public from committing several types of sins which are being seen nowadays.
So, in the present scenario wherevedic culture has vanished away, here question arises that who will make the arrangement to spread the vedic knowledge in the public in a manner that no one is left ignorant in the country.
Actually, since the time of beginningof every creation, the said responsibility is shouldered by God, on the king and his ministers. The first King of this universe (not only of India) was Manu Bhagwan and thereafter were Kshipt, Vikshipt, Yayati, Ashtak, Kuru, Puru, Harishchandra,Aj, Dashrath, Sri Ram and in the end the whole earth was commanded byYudhishthir and his progeny who were learned of Vedas and Yog philosophy. They ruled the whole public of the earth, very well, based on vedic principles related to politics. That is why, they, obeying the vedic order, protected,both Gurus and public very well.
But afterMahabharat war, knowledge of Vedas started diminishing and the people then started making their own ways of worship and accordingly new chapter of corrupt politics began and the whole earth, which used to be under the command of one learned emperor, as quoted above, got disintegrated/divided into several parts. Rulers became ignorant of vedic knowledge and they did not care to spread the same within the public. So, the condition of public and cow started deteriorating and has become worst now.
In Mahabharat epic, Bheeshma Pitamah states that the person who serves the cow best, he is really a great warrior. Atharvavedmantra 2/26/3 states that the person should get progress together with cows, horses etc., while nursing them properly.
Yajurved mantra 11/78 says that the kingshould kill the violent, wild animals like lions etc, which harm the cow and heshould arrest, punish and destroy those persons who kill the cow and steal her.
Study of Vedas and our ancient religious granths reveals that it is the duty of the king (now politicians)that people are made learned of Vedas, so that they discharge their duties, including protection of cow.
In Mahabharat epic, Chyavan Rishi statesthere is no wealth as compared to cows in the world. Cows are always the root of glory. She does not even have a slightest trace of sin within her. Where the herd of cows sits and breathes without any fear, the cow increases the beauty/ splendorof that place and draws away all the faults of that atmosphere.
Cows are the stepping stones to happiness and bright future.
She fulfills all the pious desires. The cow is called the mother of all human-beings.
As the services towards learned acharyadestroys the sins of aspirant similarly the services towards cow increases the earnings to live upon.
Person who kicks the cow suffers badly for as many years as the count of pores which exist on the body of cow. [So, think that what the heinous, dangerous and most troublesome punishment is given by God to those who slaughter the cow. In this regard, Rigved mantra 1/164/27 clearly preaches that as the earth increases the great supremacy/majestyto all human-beings so the cows give great pleasure, happiness to us, so thecows should not be killed.

So, we must pay our attention towards theabove preach of Chyavan Rishi to adhere to it in our lives, to make the future of the nation bright.
Nowadays, it is quite unfortunatethat due to the failure of government, at present human-beings have completelyignored the eternal divine vedic knowledge and have in this way caused their own downfall. It is a fundamental, unchangeable law of Vedas that without listening to Vedas, people cannot gain knowledge about innumerable matters ofuniverse like air, earth, water, gold etc., along with their utility.
The matter of Holy Cow has also not been exempted. But as regards cow, her thousands of benefits have been described byGod
Kannad Rishi in his Vaishaishik Shastra states-
“Kaarannabhaavaat Karyabhaavaha”
Meaning- Matter isgenerated due to its cause.
Idea- No matter is generated without a cause. That is why, the whole world is generated from its main cause Prakriti.
If we pay our attention towards the views of ancient Rishis, we find out the reason/cause for which human-beings have failed to serve faithfully the cow, nation, parents, elders and learned of Vedas.
So, Manusmritishloka 2/13 throws light that those who are enta ngled in worldly and sensual enjoyment and are always after materialistic articles of the world, theycannot gain the knowledge of moral righteousness (Dharma). Here, dharma means to do the pious deeds preached in Vedas and accordingly to discharge one’sduties faithfully.
Manusmriti adds that the Vedas are the supreme evidence for the aspirants, who are keen to know and followdharma. So, the main reason for the downfall of human-beings in all spheres andnot to protect and serve the cow is complete forgetfulness of vedic knowledgewherein holy cow has been produced by God to be protected and served by allhuman-beings.