In a PIL case the Divisional Bench of State High Court has asked the Government to submit status paper on the implementation of the instructions of the Apex Court on the subject of sexual harassment and eve teasing in official and public places. Greatly concerned by the rising graph of eve teasing incidents in the country, the Apex Court had, in anticipation of a bill in the Parliament, issued directions to all state and union territory governments to ensure protection of women against the inhuman crime of eve teasing. It has also conveyed broad outline of proposed measures that would become the means of protecting women in offices, institutions, railway stations, bus stops, cinema, eateries and other places. This includes deployment of women police force in plain clothing to keep eye on the behavior of people at vulnerable places. The State Government is aware of the problem and we hope that it will actively respond to the instructions of the Supreme Court. This menace is eating into the vital of society and needs to be eradicated lock, stock and barrel.