Protests against separatists a positive development: Khanna

Excelsior Correspondent

BJP national vice president Avinash Rai Khanna addressing a party meeting at Jammu on Friday.
BJP national vice president Avinash Rai Khanna addressing a party meeting at Jammu on Friday.

JAMMU, Oct 7: Terming the protests against the separatists in Valley a good and positive development, BJP national vice president and Prabhari J&K Avinash Rai Khanna today said that this indicates that the people in Kashmir have now understood that the separatists were exploiting common masses for their vested interests on behalf of Pakistan and it was totally futile to support them.Addressing a meeting of BJP senior leaders here at Party Headquarters today to review the functioning of different departments and projects of the Party, he said it reveals that the people are no longer going to fall in the trap of separatists and their mentors across the border.The meeting was convened by BJP State President & MLA Sat Sharma to review the working of the recently constituted 19 departments and 10 projects by the party at the national level and their progress in the State of J&K.Khanna, said that it is indeed a good development that the people in Kashmir have realized the futility of siding with separatists as it has given them nothing except bringing the State to the path of destruction and caused tremendous loss to them and the economy of Valley during all these years. He said that the party applauds the people who have raised their voice against separatists and expressed hope that soon these elements working at the behest of Pakistan will be totally isolated and made ineffective. On the displacement of the border people due to firing from across, he said that their morale is very high and they are ready to stand with the Army and security forces to defend their motherland. He however said that Government is duty bound to provide all facilities to border people in their make shift camps.Khanna also sought details related to the activities being undertaken so far by the said departments and projects.Sat Sharma, while addressing the meeting, said that the BJP National President has planned to visit every State and the State unit has to prepare itself to present the progress it has achieved in implementation of party’s programmes being undertaken from time to time. However his date to visit J&K has not been finalized as yet, he added.      Sat Sharma also stressed upon the party leaders to get themselves equipped with the full information related to their departments and projects as the same will be helpful to them in presenting the details of Central and State Governments achievements as well as evolve the strategy to effectively present the party’s policies and programmes at the lowest level.BJP State general secretaries Pawan Khajuria and Harinder Gupta also shared dais in the meeting.