Provide piped water supply to healthcare sub-centres

Reports that there are only 30 percent of healthcare sub-centres currently connected with the piped water supply across Kashmir valley belies the claims of the Government of the process of providing the said facilities with speed to all households, hospitals and Anganwadi Centres across Jammu and Kashmir . There are over 1100 such centres functioning across the valley and only 350 such centreshad , as on date, the piped water supply.
While the concerned Chief Medical Officers across Kashmir division were asked by the authorities to submit the report in the matter and therefore the requisite details , at the same time, it may be possible that the process of providing such facility though claimed to be picking up in the UT under the JalJeewan Mission has not accorded the due priority towards the remaining sub-centres but the matter now having been brought into the notice of the concerned department, it is hoped that shortly the supply will be provided to the remaining sub-centres.