Proximity to masses

The news item “Omar chairs cabinet meet” speaks volumes about the curiosity and the eagerness of our young CM to come too close to the masses especially belonging to far flung areas to see and assess the problems of the people on the spot and thereby to mitigate and solve the same which is the very essence of holding such development board meetings. Previously such would not be the case; the matters pertaining to the far flung areas would be held and discussed at the nearest places of districts there by berefting the people, voters, of having to face discussions at least giving them consolation that those for whom they voted are at least particular to solve their problems. In the days gone by, the kings, rulers would move among the subjects in disguise to assess the problems of them and solve them.
By following the present practice on the initiative of the CM, the people would at least think that in a democratic setup the Govt is of the people by the people and for the people and not Govt ‘far’ the people, ‘off’ the people and ‘buy’ the people. By taking such revolutionary steps the people will not feel themselves alienated from the Govt machinery but a part and parcel of the same. The young Chief Minister deserves accolades for the same. Let the subordinate Govt Machinery take a leaf out of it and feel themselves as public servants and not despots and dictators.
Yours etc…
Dwarika Nath Raina
H No. 131 Upper Muthi