PSLV-C33 with IRNSS-1G lifts off from SHAR Range

SRIHARIKOTA, Apr 28: Realising its vision of
having its own regional navigation satellite system,
PSLV-C33, carrying the seventh and last navigation
satellite IRNSS-1G blasted off from the SHAR Range  here today.
After a 51.5 hour countdown, the 44.4 m tall PSLV vehicle, in its 35th flight and with a payload  of 1,425 kg, soared into the skies under clear weather from the First Launch Pad at 1250 hrs, with a rumble  that shook the earth.
Scientists at the Mission Control Centre here were watching the course of the flight with bated breath.
ISRO Chairman A S Kiran Kumar was among the scientists who were present at the Centre.    After a flight duration of about 20 minutes, the satellite would get separated from the launch  vehicle and injected into the orbit.