PSO of PDP leader foils weapon snatching bid by militants

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, June 8: Militants attacked an Army patrol in a North Kashmir village in Kupwara district today while security guard of senior People’s Democratic Party leader foiled a militant bid to snatch his rifle.
Militants today attacked an Army patrol party in Langate area of Kupwara. However, no casualties were reported. Sources said that it was a group of at least three militants who attacked the Army but escaped from the spot.
Security forces cordoned off the area and massive search operation has been launched against them.
In the meantime, a weapon snatching bid was foiled by a cop after militants attacked PSO of senior PDP leader’s Kulgam residence in South Kashmir’s Wanpoh area.
A scuffle took place between PSO of former PDP MLA Abdul Gaffar Sofi and militants at Wanpooh in Kulgam. The cop resisted and didn’t leave his weapons. However, no firing took place and militants fled after failing to snatch the rifle.
Security forces reached the spot immediately and area was cordoned off but the militants had fled.

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In the meantime, clashes erupted between security forces and youth after Friday prayers at Nowhatta area of Srinagar today.
After the culmination of congregational Friday prayers at Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of the city, youth took to the streets. A heavy contingent of police and paramilitary forces deployed there intercepted the youth, triggering clashes.  Security forces fired several rounds of tear-gas canisters to disperse the protesting youth.
Massive clashes also erupted between youth and security forces in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district after Friday prayers.
Soon after culmination of Friday prayers a large number of youth took to streets and held protests. Security forces deployed in Reshi Bazaar area of the main town fired several tear-gas canisters to disperse the protesting youth triggering clashes in the area.
And Army today paid tribute to Sukhwinder Singh who was killed during a standoff attack while on a patrol ahead of the Line of Control fence in Keran sector of Kupwara district yesterday.
At BB Cantt, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, Northern Army Commander along with Lt Gen AK Bhatt, Chinar Corps Commander and all ranks paid homage to the soldier.
A statement issued by the Srinagar based Defence spokesman said: “Late Sepoy Sukhwinder Singh sustained bullet injuries during a standoff attack by the terrorists along the Line of Control in Keran while he was patrolling the forward areas ahead of the fence. He was provided immediate first aid and evacuated to 92 Base Hospital, but unfortunately he succumbed to his injuries”.
“The martyr was 26 years old and had joined the Army in 2012. He belonged to Village Hakamsingwala of Bhagta Bhaika Tehsil in Bathinda District of Punjab and is survived by his parents and two brothers”, the spokesman added.
“The mortal remains of the martyr were flown for last rites to his native place, where he would be laid to rest with full military honours. In this hour of grief, the Army stands in solidarity with the bereaved family of the martyr and remains committed to their dignity and well being”, the spokesman said.
Meanwhile, militants today fired upon shopkeeper Manzoor Ahamd Pandit at Kakapora market.
Manzoor was critically injured in the militant attack and was shifted to SMHS hospital for treatment. He has received 3 bullets, two in leg and one in chest.