Public Darbars in Districts

Some years back Chief Minister of the State formulated  a policy of holding public Darbars and made it mandatory that every Dy. Commissioner would conduct public darbars to hear the grievances of public in their respective districts especially the people of remote areas and solve their problems on the spot.
In some districts, in the beginning a number of public Darbars were held. But now a days public Darbars are just an  eye wash only to show to the higher ups that instruction issued by them are followed.
Here in Bhadarwah the Darbars are conducted in a hush hush mannar. There is no proper intimation to the general public, representatives of public  that the Deputy Commissioner is going to conduct public Darbar. Only a few people who have links with administration get information for public Darbars. As a result majority of people of different villages of this tehsils get deprived to highlight their grievances before the administration. Besides they are not informed about the followup action of previous meetings. With the result, these darbars do not yield any purpose.
There has been no change in condition of civic amenities. They are what they were previously. The working of various departments too has not undergone any change.
Only Forest Deptt. of this tehsil has shown progress by maintaining strict vigil on unauthorized cutting of timber and restricting the smugglers from indulging in trade of herbs. It is requested to the Chief Minister to step in and make administration of this area active so that before conducting any public Darbar proper notice is  issued, and displayed at different villages so that people can know and send their representatives in the meetings and get their basic problems solved.
Yours etc……
Kaushal Kotwal
Gatha, Bhadarwah