Pulwama attack

This has reference to the martyrdom of CRPF personnel in a brutal attack by militants in Pulwama.
Our brave CRPF men sacrificed their tomorrow for our today. Not only the CRPF but all security forces who do their duties whole heartedly just for our ‘today’. I think that ISI is doing its dirty job in India but somewhere there are people also in the administration who are providing sensitive information to Pakistan. As a tribute to these people, I see in every lane a candle march going and that’s a very good thing to happen so that we feel the pain of the families of the brave hearts But there are some people who think that it’s a common thing which happens and it’s the duty of every soldier to sacrifice his life and it’s not a big deal , but it’s not really true. A soldier also has its own life and family and it’s not compulsory to join the security forces for anyone, it’s just the passion and the dedication to safeguard the people of the country. Carrying out candle marches is not a bad thing but the time for these things has gone, what we can do is that we should donate for them. There are websites for this donation, please go and quickly checkout and donate for those bravehearts.
Medansh Thusoo
Jodhamal Public School

Let the message be loud and crystal clear to one and all. No solution to Kashmir is possible through the barrel of a gun. The secular democratic nation of 1.3 billion will never succumb to the bloody designs of terrorists to anex Valley. India is ready to make much more sacrifices to preserve its unity and integrity. Pulwama suicide bomber attack infact fortifies nation’s resolve to crush terrorism. Let Kashmiri separatists know it once for all that their aim of a theocratic Kashmir will remain a perpetual dream.
Lastly I wish to say those condemning violence with a rider and trying to politicise the supreme sacrifice of our valiant soldiers are actually harbouring soft corner towards terrorists.Its high time these termites are named, shamed, isolated and socially ostracized.
Pawan Jalali
On e-mail


It is worthwhile to express that all parties have stood together against recent barbaric terrorist attack near Pulwama where near 40 security men were martyred. The nation as a whole was shocked on listening the news. The time has come when we have to wake up and explore ways and means to curb this menace once for all. We have to identify the people who are supporting terrorism within country. Our neighbour has launched proxy war against us since long and as such is hell bent upon to break India. Not only this, our security agencies have to correct the loopholes, if any, in and outside their places of posting. The huge sacrifice given by our security forces can not be underestimated. The enemy should be taught a lesson once for all so that she would never dare to raise finger against India. There are also some internal forces who are directly or indirectly radicalising the youths of Kashmir. This trend has turned vicious. In this connection both the Central and State Govt should adopt necessary measures to stem the rot. Today, we have to stand united for resurrection and also for retaliation.
S N Raina