Pushpendra Kulshresht for repealing of draconian laws

Pushpendra Kulshresht a well known speaker addressing a function at Jammu on Sunday.
Pushpendra Kulshresht a well known speaker addressing a function at Jammu on Sunday.

Namah Jain Sthanak holds function

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 17: A function was held at Namah Jain Sthanak, Bahu Plaza Gandhi Nagar, here today. Nationalist thinker and speaker, Pushpendra Kulshresht was the chief guest and main speaker of the programme, that was held under the aegis of S.S. Jain Sabha Jammu & Kashmir in association with Jain Tuaruni Mandal and Jain Yuvak Sangh.
Main objective of the programme was to instill a feeling of patriotism and make the youth aware of the problems created by previous Governments and make them aware that by raising these issues, a pressure can be made on the present Government to change the laws which are in favour of a particular community. Pushpendra Kulshresht raised many issues, including the issue of Waqf Act. He emphasised that it is such a draconian law, under which any property can be taken over by Waqf Board.
He was of the clear view that such laws should be repealed. He also raised the issue of Gyan Vapi mosque, in which he narrated as to how a single person Vishnu Jain has made efforts and is getting results. He emphasised that we should not rely on the Government or the administration to do every task ordinary person can also make efforts.
He stressed upon the youths to come forward and make themselves, aware of the issues besides making others understand the problems of the nation. A huge gathering attended the seminar and people interacted with him and got their doubts cleared. Many social religious and business organisations’ representatives attended the meet. The whole programme started with a cultural programme in which members of Jain Taruni Mandal presented Saraswati Vandana and patriotic song.
Programme was conducted jointly By Jain Yuvak Sangh, vice president Neerav Jain and Jain Taruni Mandal general secretary, Monika Jain. President S.S. Jain Sabha, Pankaj Jain, vice president, Rajiv Jain, president Jain Istri Sabha, Neelam Jain were present, along with presidents of all the organisations of Jain Sabha.
Programme was also addressed by general secretary Jain Sabha Sandeep Jain (Sunny).