Qualification of Ombudsman

Refer article ‘Make qualification of NREGA Ombudsman public’ DE May 1, 2018.
The author deserves kudos for raising an important issue which concerns a large section of population associated with NREGA, and should be taken note of by the Governments-both State and Centre. The presence of a qualified Ombudsman has become necessary in view of the corruption that has seeped in the NREGA works. This corruption can be checked to a great extent in case NREGA is monitored properly by an ombudsman. But the result will  not be same, if Ombudsam itself in caught in controversy and if a question mark is raised over the qualification of its members.
If the Ombudsman has to become a credible body in the eyes of the public, it should have no hesitation to make the qualification of its members public. Otherwise, it will lose relevance, and needs to be shut up.
Transparency in the working of an institution is a must. It helps it function properly and credibility.
Yours etc….
Sumit Mahajan