Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Asso defers elections

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 24: The elections to Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, which were scheduled to be held  on August 26, have been deferred and a new date will be announced later.
The decision to defer the elections was taken in the Executive Body meeting of the Association here today held under the chairmanship of election president Jugal Mahajan by a voice vote.
An Association spokesman said that as per circular sent to market August 19 was given as last date for depositing the subscription. However the general secretary of the Association, Sanjay Gupta submitted the adoption of accounts by March 31, this year when as per the precedence, the accounts were to be presented two days prior to election date. But general secretary failed to produce the accounts as has been a precedence. This created a furore in the meeting.
As the general secretary could not produce the accounts up to the schedule date of elections, the house was unanimous in deferring the elections with voice vote and the announcement to this effect was made by Election president in the meeting.
However the meeting decided that the there will be no change in the contestants and they will be the same. However the elections will only be held after the general secretary produces accounts upto elections date.