Rahul misleading country in name of poverty eradication: Rajnath

BIHAR: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today accused Congress president Rahul Gandhi of deceiving the country on the issue of poverty eradication.

Addressing an election meeting at Padav ground here in favour of NDA candidates, Mr Singh targetting Mr Gandhi asked, “If he (Rahul) is so sensitive about poverty, why his Congress party which was in power for 55 years did not think of eradicating it?”

He said Mr Gandhi was only misleading the country in the name of poverty eradication adding that right from the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi, Congress had kept raising the slogan of poverty eradication. He said even former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had admitted that poor were getting only 15 paise out of every rupee released by the Centre.

Mr Singh said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken a resolve to take the poor people above poverty line in the next five to seven years. In coming years, no family would be below the poverty line, he stated adding that cash was being given to beneficiaries directly to their bank accounts through direct benefit transfer scheme. (AGENCIES)