Raina visits Kanachak, Jhri, interacts with farmers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 22: Ravinder Raina , president of BJP Jammu and Kashmir, accompanied by Omi Khajuria State president , Kissan Morcha, Jammu Kashmir UT and EX MLA, Bharat Bhushan ,block president, Raipur Domana, Ashok Kerni visited the border area in Kanachak area including Jhri, Pinjod etc and held interaction with farmers there.
Raina listened problems of the farmers and assured them that he will take up the same with Lt. Governor, Manoj Sinha for their immediate redressal. Maintaining that the farmers are backbone of Indian economy he said Narendra Modi Government is committed to ameliorate the lot of farming community in the country.
Raina said already Modi Government had taken various pro farmers issues and termed the passage of recent bill by Parliament a revolutionary step in this regard. He said the Modi Government wants to rid the farmers of middlemen and agents so that they can sell their produce directly any where in the country where he gets highest rate besides keeping the Minimum Support Price (MSP) intact. Now it is up to farmers to decide where he wills ell his produce.
Raina said earlier farmers were working in the field for the entire year but its benefit was taken by agents and middlemen while the farmers were the main losers. With the new law now the farmer will be master of his fate, he added.
Raina discussed in detail about the three new laws implemented for the farmers by the Modi Government and also congratulated them terming it a great victory for farming community. All the farmers welcomed the new law. They said for last 70 years, the other parties never thought of farmers betterment with the result they remained deprived and neglected. This even resulted in committing of suicides by many farmers in various parts of the country. He said earlier governments in connivance with middle men and agents were looting the farmers. With the new law in place, the farmers have got a great relief. Now they will be able to sell their crop at the best price, now middlemen will not be able to rob the farmers, and the farmers will live a happy life, he added.