Rajnath urges ASEAN nations to support India’s fight against terrorism

NEW DELHI: Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday urged the ASEAN nations and the international community to support India’s fight against terrorism.

Delivering the valedictory address at the 4th India-ASEAN Expo and Summit here, Singh said an environment of peace and security are prerequisites for trade and commerce to flourish.

“This summit must acknowledge the fact and ensure that the soil of any country should not be used for propagating terrorism,” he said, appealing to the ASEAN countries and other nations to support India’s fight against terrorism.

Referring to the “gruesome cowardly” terrorist attack in Pulwama, where 40 CRPF jawans were killed, the home minister said there exists immense potential to strengthen and deepen cooperation in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, violent extremism and radicalisation through information sharing, law enforcement cooperation and capacity building and anti-money laundering and countering terror-financing.