Raju’s captivating short stories

Pratibha Sharma
The maiden literary venture of Rajeshwar  Singh Raju  with 18   short stories in Dogri  language has been widely welcomed in the Dogri literary circles and gained popularity among the readership.
This 136-page Dogri book was formally released only last week at an impressive function held amidst a large number of leading literary figures at Saigal  Hall, in the Cultural Academy complex, Jammu.  The Minister for Planning and Development, Ajay Sadhotra formally released the book. Mr Sadhotra described the new publication as important addition to the Dogri   literature and expressed the hope  that the writer would continue  to make much more contribution in years to come.
Prof. Nilamber Sharma, former Secretary, Academy of Art, Culture and Lanuages, who presided over the furnction , stressed the need  for  dedicated efforts in promoting Dogri   language  and congratulated the writer for his literary contribution.
Zest for Life
The author, Rajeshwar Singh Raju, who is presently working as Manager in the J&K Bank, shared his experiences in different fields of art and culture and dwelt upon the book which he has dedicated  to his parents:  Maya Devi and Sansar Singh, who really inspired him in the literary field. Mr. Raju   started writing from the  young age and now often writes in Hindi, English and Dogril for  media of communication  , both print and electronic . He has to his credit  some documentaries and radio plays .  Khouhdal  is his first literary  venture  of 18 short stories in Dogri, few of which  have already been  carried in Sheeraza  and other Dogri periodicals.
Renowned Dogri writer   Ved Rahi , in the  Preface of the book , has observed that  Rajeshwar Singh has a gifted pen  to effectively   communicate his experiences of life through the genre  of  short stories in Dogri language.  Mr. Raju   has graduated to be a literary figure and has the distinction of portraying the art of story writing,  Mr Rahi  has noted that this book, Khouhdal is a  contribution to Dogri literature.
This 136–page book has 18 selected stories   on variety of human issues, problems of life  and cultural values.  He has depicted the psychological , sociological and economic conditions and tackled the issues through his ‘ living characters “ in an interesting and informative  way. His languages  is simple and  direct  which touches the deep sentiments of the readership.
The very first story entitled “ Hoar  Kae  Kardha?” is the story of a young boy who asserts his right to live or even  die .  This   is   a   bit  controversial  indeed  but has some basic facts in the  fast changing society.  The second short story is also interesting   and   instructive .  Another masterpiece is the “Mera  Sagan- Mai Nai  Deena”  in which  an Army jawan  Paramjeet  marries the  village  belly  Satya who on the very first day  asked him to leave his most risky  Army job for her.  The   jawan   retorts “ I extremely love wife as also my  duty to defend my motherland”. Story narrates that Paramjeet   makes   supreme   sacrifice   on   the  disturbed  border.  Satya cherishes the memory   of her  martyr husband  throughout her life as a “ prized possession”.
Interesting Stories
In  “Ghutan” a girl Malivika from remote village,  Malivika  gets married to  Jugal ,who later got  posted in a  multinational company in Mumbai and went  to join his new job leaving behind his wife in his native place.  Gradually, Malivika  feels loneliness  and felt “Ghutan”. As per the story  Jugal  accompanied by his  lady secretary  comes to meet his wife which sprouts seeds of suspicion in the mind of Malivika. But the air is completely cleared by  Jugal  by his truthful assurance of  sincerity to his wife. Thereafter, the life flows on smoothly.  There are  a dozen of other interesting, instructive stories in this book.
Useful Literary Work
The printing and overall production of the book is of good quality. Though it  has been priced at the higher level  but the literary merit will make this book essential reading material of the Dogri literature.  Mr. Raju   has carved out a   niche in the literary circle and  is striving for making much more rich contribution to language and literature.  It is expected that Khouhdal  will certainly be read by large number of  people  and  also adorn  it on their book shelves.
(Starline Syndicate Service)