Ram Leela Basohli

This has reference to the article ‘Story of Ram Leela Basohli’ DE Sept 24.
The article made  an informative and interesting reading. Many unknown aspects of this Leela came to fore while going through its contents. It is quite dismaying to know that much patronage is not extended to it either by Government or by people themselves. This is our heritage and it needs not only to be protected but also passed on to our posterity. It is the duty of the organisers to make public aware of this rich legacy by highlighting its importance in our society. The Government on its part must not only extend financial support to it, but logistic as well. No art form has survived without Government support. Earlier, kings used to patronise writers, artist, craftsmen etc by providing them support in cash or  kind. People participating in such functions too should be generous in supporting these cultural items.
Yours etc..
Ravi Singh